Analyze customer feedback to boost NPS and revenue
In the complex tapestry of business metrics, net promoter score (NPS) stands out for its deceptively simple premise and profound implications. At its core, NPS measures customer loyalty and propensity to recommend a business to others. Yet, beneath this surface lies a host of critical insights into customer satisfaction, company growth, and, critically, revenue potential. […]
Text analytics 101: Uncovering insights in qualitative data
Hidden in messy text data are nuggets of insight that hold the power to transform business, marketing, and management strategies. But what is text analysis? And how can this potential be unlocked? When you think of analytics, you probably think of numbers. But a lot of the world’s valuable data is contained in words, such […]
Customer insights: The essential guide
Customer insight refers to the process of generating actionable intelligence from your customer data. This generally involves analyzing some combination of customer feedback and behavioral customer data to understand consumers’ attitudes towards a range of relevant topics including product quality, customer service, brand perception, experience and more.