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Customer insights

An image of VP of Sales Rachel Banks alongside dining imagery to illustrate a restaurant customer experience program.

Why a restaurant customer experience program is a vital investment

09 Jul 2024
The Golden Gate Bridge with jeans replacing the water to showcase a blog about the in-store experience for Levi's San Francisco store.

Identifying what customers think about Levi’s in-store experience

18 Jun 2024
A photo of Relative Insight CEO Ben Hookway as he explores the relationship between NPS and revenue.

Analyze customer feedback to boost NPS and revenue

19 Mar 2024
A beachside image with CSAT-style faces to represent a hotel survey.

Battling bedbugs and poor cleanliness using hotel survey analysis

05 Mar 2024
A slot machine with footballs on in the middle of a stadium to illustrate a blog about Allegiant Stadium reviews.

Tracking stadium experience improvements through Allegiant Stadium reviews

08 Feb 2024
An image of a green Duolingo owl on a green background with images representing customer reviews to visualize app reviews analysis.

Tracking what users think of Duolingo through app review analysis

16 Nov 2023
A golden money emoji on a chain against a green background to denote a blog about luxury trends.

Getting to the heart of luxury trends using text analytics

06 Sep 2023
A selection of college buildings cut into vertical strips with green filters.

Exploring student reviews to see what influences diversity in colleges

31 May 2023
Hotel reviews uncover variations between Four Seasons resorts

Hotel reviews uncover variations between Four Seasons resorts

11 Apr 2023

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