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The Olympic rings with sports fan inside them and images of plants and wind turbines on the outside to visualize sports sustainability.

Sports sustainability: How to resonate with fans

16 Jul 2024
A medical device on a red, amber and green background illustrating NPS feedback.

How text analytics enhances Medtronic’s diabetes NPS feedback program

12 Apr 2024
A circular arrow on a green background with data-themed icons to illustrate data automation tool Relative Flow.

How to use data automation tools to streamline your analysis process

23 Feb 2024
An image of a student in a feedback loop to visualize course evaluation feedback.

Enhancing students’ experience through course evaluation feedback

01 Feb 2024
A picture of a rollercoaster with happy and sad faces above it to visualize root cause analysis software.

How root cause analysis software illuminates customer scoring

07 Dec 2023
A scroll overlayed by three hands and a mortarboard in three different colors to represent diversity.

How to promote diversity and inclusion in colleges

16 Oct 2023
A golden money emoji on a chain against a green background to denote a blog about luxury trends.

Getting to the heart of luxury trends using text analytics

06 Sep 2023
A series of qualitative data visualizations in the center of an image with a green background.

Insights experts offer qualitative data visualization tips and anecdotes

12 Jul 2023
An image of multiple data visualization tools on a green background to headline a blog about effective data storytelling.

An in-depth examination of effective data storytelling

05 Jul 2023

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